System Description
The GWS incorporates the following unit of operations: BioCELL Fibrous filters system Activated Carbon Filtration unit Chlorine Disinfection system Refer also to details technical specification.
[BioCELL Fibrous Filter] Synthetic-Bio-media manufactured modules to allow biogrowth as attached growth biological process. In grey water, BOD is digested to and acceptable level for re-application of the waste water. Aerators are integrated under the bio-media to ensure optimum adsorption of oxygen in the liquor allowing enhanced biogrowth.
[Activated Carbon Filtration] Using special blend of activated carbon with aggregate most suitable for grey water, organics are adsorbed in the system and providing polishing function. Backwash and regeneration is carries out under automatic sequence controls.
[Chlorine Disinfection] Sodium hypochlorite solution under sequence control is dosed into the main stream to provide disinfection of the liquor yet, low residual chlorine allows re-application of treated water for use in irrigation and cooling water. System incorporates polymeric chemical tank, injection nozzle automatic dosing pump and on-line chlorine monitor.